General FI

2022 Plans and Blog Focus

BLUF: Blog posts are going to get more technical in 2022 as I increase my technical knowledge and investigate the possibility of becoming a financial advisor.

It’s been a interesting year of blogging, FI knowledge growth and self reflection about what the future holds. It’s funny how we use this arbitrary calendar year dividing line to often reflect on the past and decide to change our ways in the next year.

Things I Learned In 2021 – A Future In Financial Advising?

man in suit jacket standing beside projector screen
Photo by mentatdgt on

In my recent post about my blogging year in review I went into the details of what I learned from blogging. What I didn’t mention in there is that through the process of blogging and expanding my financial knowledge a future side hustle or career 2.0 option has peaked my interest. Fee only financial coaching / advising (no asset management).

This feels like the best of all worlds to me. I’ve always enjoyed coaching and teaching others. I currently do that at my current job when it comes to providing career advice and general guidance. Through the blog I’ve tried to do a little bit of that by explaining complicated financial topics like the mega backdoor Roth in easy to follow ways that include lots of examples.

Helping others really lights me up so the idea that I could make money and help people is really appealing to me. The other piece to this puzzle is that I’d really like a location independent option to earn money. Mrs. MFI and I are interested to hit the road and see all that North America has to offer. A remote only service like financial advising would allow that.

What Comes Next in 2022?

So what do I do next? I still am 5-6 years from FI and am far from being able to just up and quit my day job. My plan is to try and test out this financial coaching thing on a friends and family level while I study for my series 65 exam. Passing that exam would be one large step towards the possibility of charging clients for a service.

In the meantime, another way to focus on that goal is to start focusing the blog on more technical topics. In 2021 I wrote a fair amount about happiness and mindset topics but what resonated with readers the most are my more technical articles. Staying more technical would also force me to ensure that I know a topic backwards and forwards before trying to explain it in a blog post.

So, going into 2022 you can expect more technical topics. Since I’m personally 5ish years out from FI there’s a lot to cover in asset allocation, asset location, tax diversification, safe withdrawal rates and a drawdown plan. If you have topics that you’d like to see covered please contact me at to met me know.
